Halloween Costume

Last year, my high school friends invited me for a Halloween house party. Well, it was just a simple get-together with my female classmates whom I haven’t seen for ages and we decided to dress-up just in time for the halloween. Having it as a theme made me more exhilarated to attend so I really begged my husband to earn his permission. He was reluctant at first but finally consented with the agreement that he will bring me at my friend’s place and fetch me after few hours (as in two to three hours maximum).

So, I opened my closet and searched for a possible Halloween costume that I can use for that night. I pulled out my black tube top, black wide-legged pants and my favorite wedge. I used black accessories to make me look like a real sassy devil.

I perfectly loved my entire look.

My Halloween Outfit

Good thing, my mom was always supportive of all my endeavors. She went at my place and took charge of my make-up. She used dark colored eye make-up and lipstick. Oh, by the way, just to share with you the trick, she didn’t use a lipstick, what I wore for my lips were a black eyeliner. And, in an instant, I was prepared for our mini halloween get-together.

Posing like a model as instructed by my friend.
The black lips and black eyeshadow plus the headband made me look more devilish. The headband was not mine, I only borrowed it from my friends. Well, according to my brother, my look was effortless, it was very me – a devil. Lol!
Sassy Devil

Who said Halloween costumes had to be expensive? You can actually make use the clothes inside your closet,Β  just add a little creativity and you’re ready for Halloween parties. Happy Halloween Mommies!


  1. Vavavoom! πŸ˜€ What a sexy, gorgeous devil you make! πŸ™‚

    True, if you’ve got some imagination, you don’t really need to spend a lot of money for a costume. πŸ™‚

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